Justin Harper, partner USA business development and Michelle Harper, legal counsel and compliance talk with Charlene on iHeartRadio. VivaCapital.io works with investors in the cryptocurrency markets and people who want to create wealth, freedom and drive innovation.

The emergence of cryptocurrency is a pivotal step in the world's transition from centralized money control, to decentralized ownership, a macroeconomic shift that can yeild great returns.

The Crypto IRA™ is part is part of the Retirement Accelerator, an end-to-end solution to convert your IRA into a tax free growth vehicle to invest in cryptocurrency with no restrictions on trading or banking.

When you open a Crypto IRA™ to invest, your assets are protected by Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology and Multi-Layered security to deliver a no single point of failure solution for your portfolio. In addition, you have 24/7 visibility and real-time pricing in your online wealth portal.

Our Crypto IRA™ is signed off by an attorney and trades get executed by our Over the Counter (OTC) trading desk. As a result, it means you don’t have to learn to trade, buy hardware wallets, or learn technical cyber-security yourself. But you always remain in control of your money and account.




Countdown to Bitcoin Block Party in Dallas: Wednesday, January 3, 2024



Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon